Our Mission
To promote reliable, affordable, and clean energy to help grow our economy, create high-paying jobs, and build public support for Alabama’s energy industry.
Energy Day educates state legislators on the importance of electric vehicles
We celebrated Energy Day and invited our state legislators to a luncheon where they learned about the importance of electric vehicles.
The day featured a selection of EVs for legislators and others in attendance to view thanks to EIA’s partnership this year with Drive Electric Alabama. Read the full article here. |
Lineman Appreciation Day Celebration
Our lineman have jobs that require long hours, time on the road, and contact with dangerous electrical equipment. Far too often our lineman go unnoticed, which is why Lineman Appreciation Day was created.
This year, we invited lineman from across the state to a luncheon to thank them for all the work that they do. We also gave “A Lineman’s Perspective” and listened to a few lineman tell their stories of brotherhood and challenges on the job. If you know a lineman, be sure to thank them the next time you see them!